Last updated: 21st September 2022
Over the past few years, the competition for New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Malaysians is fierce. The official website was even crashed in 2018 after the application for Malaysians opened. Everyone is snatching for the limited seats as if there will be no tomorrow.
I assume you’re here because you’re interested in applying for one. And I’m sure you know it’s very difficult to secure a spot, without the right skills.
In this article, you will get all the tips and skills I used to secure my spot for New Zealand Working Holiday back in 2016. I’ll go through a brief introduction of the visa before the application procedures. Feel free to skip the former part. I’ll discuss everything from the perspective of Malaysians. Let’s dive in.
Not convinced for the visa? Check out these 69 New Zealand Photos I took there!
In 2018, the official website crashed due to huge influx of visitors into the website, therefore the application postponed.
In 2019, I guess they upgraded the website so that it can handle more visitors at one time. The 1,150 slots ran out around 1 hour after the application opens. No crash issues that year.
In 2020, all 1,150 slots were filled up in less than one hour. No crash issues as well.
New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Malaysian
So what is the New Zealand Working Holiday visa?
This visa is issued by the New Zealand government to allow young people between the age of 18-30 to travel and work in New Zealand. The validity of the visa varies among different nationalities, i.e. 6, 12, or 23 months.
The visa is available to 42 different nations. Some of the nations have limited quota while some do not. Malaysia belongs to the latter category, with a limited 1,150 successful applicants a year.
In 21st August 2022, the New Zealand Government has announced an additional of 1,150 slots for Malaysians. (Source)
During your stay, you can also study in New Zealand.
New Zealand Working Holiday visa is extendable for an additional 3 months with extra fees.
For New Zealand Working Holiday Visa Malaysia, the application date usually falls in late January. It opens at 5 am midnight. You may have trouble logging into the website at 3 am, but from what I’ve heard from the applicants in 2022 and 2021, the server has been upgraded and things got a lot smoother now.
Read these things to do in New Zealand South Island!
Are You Eligible?
As the visa is open for youngsters, the age requirement for the visa is between age 18-30 for Malaysians.
You should also have at least NZ$2,250 to cover all your expenses in New Zealand.
One person cannot apply for the working holiday visa more than one time.
Be able to speak English. You do not need to be fluent in English language but please understand the basics. Though you will still be able to survive without knowing any English in New Zealand, your life will be easier if you can speak the language.
How Do I Apply For the Visa?
For Malaysians, the procedures are the same as in other countries. For the complete and detailed application procedures, head over to:
Complete Step-by-step Guide to Applying New Zealand Working Holiday Visa
I have attached screenshot photos for every step, which will definitely help you understand the procedures a lot better. Note that the screenshots may not be the updated versions.
The reason why I wrote the procedures in another article is that it will make this article way too long and stuffed with photos. So bear with me.
Tips For Securing Your Spot For New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Malaysian
Now the main point. I’m sure some of you came solely for these tips. The tips provided are very practical, as some of my friends in New Zealand also use similar tricks to secure their spot. Long words short, let’s get started.
Tip 1 – Use Mobile Phone
Yes, it’s true. This question might come to your mind.
“Why? My laptop always loads faster than my phone!”
Well, I’m not a tech guy so I couldn’t give you a precise answer. But it’s true. Some of my Malaysian friends in New Zealand applied through their phones too. The same goes for me.
It seems like the phone has a stronger will to keep going and load the page. The laptop browser often gives up after 10 seconds, and you will need to refresh the page like a madman.
If you know the answer to this phenomenon, feel free to comment below. I love to be educated.
With that being said, it’s safer to use more than just your phone to apply. Read on.
Tip 2 – Use More Than One Device
“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” they said.
Yea I know it’s not that relevant. What I’m trying to say is that it never hurts to use more than one device to apply.
On the day of application, apply from your laptop, desktop and mobile phone. See which one gets into the website first, then you’ll know which device you should focus on.
In my case, the mobile phone.
If possible, connect your mobile phone to mobile data so that it will not compete with other devices for Wi-Fi.
You might think that there’s not enough time to fill in the details in the application form after you logged in. What to do? Read Tip 3.
Tip 3 – Prepare All Your Details Beforehand
On the day of application, once you passed the login stage, things should get a bit smoother. Now all you got to do is fill in the details as fast as possible.
As you have to click “Save” for every section you filled, you have to compensate for the time needed to load those pages again before proceeding. And it can be dreadfully long.
What I suggest doing is preparing all the details in a notepad. It can be in Google Docs, Microsoft Excel, Notepad, whatever.
Once you get to the application form, all you have to do is copy and paste the details you wrote in your notes. If you’re using a phone, referring to the notepad in your laptop can make your life easier.
I highly recommend doing this, unless you prefer typing and double-checking the details yourself in a stressful situation. You can find all the required fields and details in the guide I provided at the start of the article.
Below is an example, feel free to use it:
Immigration advisor: NO
Comm method: Email
Master Card or VISA : YESPassport number:
Passport expiry date:
Identification type:
12-years old birthday: (Your birth year +12)Skip occupation
All NO except “in the five years prior to…countries NOT considered to be low risk for TB (YES)
Ignore ‘If you can prove…”3. CHARACTER_
Have you ever been issued… NO
Enough NZD2,250? YES
Date of departure: xx-xx-2019
Sufficient fund to purchase outward ticket: YES
Meet specific requirements: YESSUBMIT
Card number: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Valid through: xx/xx
Security Code (3 digits):
More information from the official website here.
Check out this 10 Days New Zealand South Island Itinerary!
Tip 4 – Prepare Multiple Credit Cards
After you successfully filled in all the information in every form of every section, you will be prompted to make the payment. So unless you make the payment, your spot for the Malaysian New Zealand Working Holiday Visa will not be secured, because it’s not completed yet.
And the worst thing that could happen is reaching the final steps just to realize your credit card isn’t working. Nightmare.
My advice would be to prepare at least two or three credit cards besides you just in case the first one is not working. The website has asked for a credit card but I heard that some of my friends paid successfully using a debit card.
Anyway, to play it safe, I recommend credit cards over debit cards. Three of them would be optimum.
Tip 5 – Log In Earlier
Well, this doesn’t always work but it’s well worth a bet. It’s a life-changing experience right. And you want to secure yourself a seat.
I’ve seen people logged into the Immigration website at 12 am but failed to snatch a slot. I logged in at 3.15 am, it took me until slightly before 5 am to successfully log in.
What you can consider doing is logging into the website hours before 5 am, then waiting for the application to open. You save the troubles of logging in at peak hours.
Tip 6 – Ask For Help From Your Friends
One of my friends was “brother” enough to wake up in the middle of the night and fight with me.
He didn’t want to apply for the Malaysian New Zealand Working Holiday visa, he’s just helping me. And I’m still thankful for him, even though I was the one who applied successfully.
The application requires credit card information, so make sure your friend is very trustworthy!
Tip 7 – Join Malaysians’ New Zealand Working Holiday Facebook Group
Yes, technically this group does not help you with your application. But Facebook groups are perfect platforms for you to see how others are doing.
Has the website gone crashed? How many people applied successfully already? How many quotas were left?
We can’t deny that there will definitely be a lot of fake news inside, but you can get a grasp of what’s happening on the battlefield.
Just search for them in Facebook groups, there are plenty of them. This group is one of them.
Facebook groups can come in super useful once you applied successfully. You can find job offers, accommodations, and even people selling their cars there. Make full use of it.
20 Frequently Asked Questions on New Zealand Working Holiday For Malaysian
It’s totally understandable if you have doubts or questions in your head now. If I didn’t answer your question below, feel free to ask me in the comment section, through my email or Facebook page. I’m more than happy to help
Application date for New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Malaysian 2023
The application date for New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Malaysians is currently not announced at the moment. For the latest update, visit the official website here.
How long is the visa valid for?
Let’s say you successfully filled up everything and got ahead of everyone else. You’ll be prompted to make the payment to secure your spot. If you don’t, your information will be saved, but your spot is not secured until you made the payment.
After you make the payment, you will receive an email from the authority for the successful payment. Within a few days, you will receive another email telling you that your visa is approved. Note that after your payment, your visa has not been approved yet. But in most cases, it will be approved, provided that you filled up everything correctly.
Once you receive the email, you will have to travel to New Zealand to start your program within ONE year. For instance, your Malaysian New Zealand Working Holiday visa got approved on 26th January 2019. You will have to travel to New Zealand before 26th January 2020. It doesn’t matter when you return to Malaysia, all it matters is when you set foot on New Zealand land.
You can arrive in New Zealand on 20th January 2020, and leave on 15th July 2020.
What’s the pay for my job there?
Most participants in the New Zealand Working Holiday program work basic jobs, like in orchards, waiters, etc. Almost all of these jobs pay minimum wages. By 2022, the minimum wage is NZ$21.20.
When I was working there, the minimum wage was around NZ$14.50.
How many hours will I work every day?
This depends on what kind of jobs you work. Most of the orchard jobs will require you to work around 8 hours per day for 5-6 days a week. Sunday will be an off-day for all employees.
How often do I get paid?
In New Zealand, you will receive your salary every week instead of every month in Malaysia. It will take a few business days to receive the money. If you found the job via a job agent, it might take a day more. The tax will be automatically deducted from your salary slip.
How do I file a tax refund?
This is probably the most confusing thing to do after your program ends or during your program. The overall process is a bit tricky but it wouldn’t take much of your time if you know what to do.
There are several agencies that help in tax refund but trust me, you can do it yourself.
New Zealand tax year begins on 1st April to 31st March every year. If you work anytime between 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019, you can apply for the tax refund after 1st April 2019.
First, you need to register a MyIR account on the IRD website. You should have an IRD number at that time. Fill in the boxes as instructed. You’ll be able to see how much income tax you paid since you began working in New Zealand in the account. By the end of May, you will receive an IR3 Form. Fill in as instructed.
For more information, go here.
Do I Need X-Ray Scan For The Visa?
No, you don’t need one. I’ve contacted New Zealand Immigration regarding this issue. Since an X-ray scan is only needed for visitors with a visa of more than 6 months, Malaysians do not need them since the working holiday visa is for 6 months.
If you plan to extend the visa for another 3 months (9 months in total), you still do not need one. For the extension, all they need is your passport and a fee. Nothing more.
In short, you don’t have to worry about X-ray scans for your visit to New Zealand.
What are the documents needed?
Passport, Malaysian driving license (remember to renew to at least after a year), and e-visa, which will be provided by the government after a successful application. Getting an e-visa also means that you secured yourself a spot.
You need to print out e-visa when entering New Zealand. I recommend printing several copies.
Should I look for jobs before going?
It’s a good idea to look for jobs before arriving in New Zealand. The best platforms would be Facebook groups and BackpackerBoard. I only recommend this after you confirmed your flight date.
I was jobless for my first month in New Zealand because I had no idea how to look for a job. My friend gave me a number of Malaysian job agents, Terry. He got me my first job, and a small number of my weekly wages were deducted for his company.
Should I go with my friends?
It’s best if you could go with your friends. But here’s the sad truth. It’s not likely that both you and your friends will secure a spot and get the visa. You and your friends have to consider the situation if only one or some of you applied successfully.
When is the best time to start my New Zealand Working Holiday?
It really depends on what you want. I have not much information about corporate, restaurants, or jobs like those. But here’s some information about orchard jobs.
Fruit harvesting usually starts in summer and autumn. Some fruits have very different harvesting seasons though, but apple harvesting starts in late summer or early autumn. Kiwifruits harvesting usually starts around mid-Autumn.
Winter orchard jobs (which are dreadfully tough) like apple tree pruning start in early winter or mid-winter as soon as all the leaves dropped off.
Best time to travel around New Zealand? Summer of course, but remember that almost all accommodations will be booked out because of the tourists. It’s the worst part of the travel experience but there are a lot of hikes and treks open during this season.
I did my month-long road trip during winter, where there are almost no tourists at all. My travel partner and I had most of the attractions to ourselves. Pretty cool, huh? But remember, the winter there is crazy cold. Sneaking out of my sleeping bag in the car is the most difficult thing during my road trip.
What to bring to New Zealand?
New Zealand is generally cold throughout the year, especially in South Island. That includes the summer, which is colder than Malaysia’s weather.
Things I recommend bringing are down jacket, warm gloves, warm socks, and a good sleeping bag if possible. I didn’t bring any of those back in 2016. So I bought all the clothing and accessories in New Zealand. It’s cheaper, but you get to know what you really need before making any purchases.
It’s not wise to bring something there just to realize it’s not enough to protect you from the weather.
What kind of jobs are available for Malaysians under New Zealand Working Holiday Visa?
Most Malaysians will go for orchard jobs because it’s easier to find a job in that field. Of course, working in hotels, restaurants and constructions are also available.
But I personally feel that orchard jobs are more fun and eye-opening. It might be tough for some people though. Don’t be too picky about the jobs.
Don’t expect to find a job there easily. I used to think like that and I was jobless for one month before I started my first job picking apples.
New Zealand North Island or South Island?
It’s easier to find non-orchard jobs in North Island because big cities are in the north. For orchard jobs, it’s available on both North Island and South Island. South Island has more orchard job opportunities than North Island.
Are the foods and accommodations provided by employers?
As far as I know, orchard employers never provide food and accommodations. You will need to find yourself accommodation, in a motel or shared-house and cook your own food. Some companies are generous enough to provide free coffee and snacks.
Do I need International Driving License?
No, you don’t need one. I applied for International Driving License for RM150 in JPJ back in 2016 before I knew it was not necessary. As long as the driving license is valid and in the English language, it’s good to go. And our Malaysian driving license is in the English language.
Should I buy a car? Where do I buy a second-hand car in New Zealand?
It depends on yourself. Having a car definitely brings a lot of advantages and convenience. For example, when I was working in Temuka, South Island, we paid NZ$4 to the driver for every return trip to the orchard from our accommodation.
NZ$4 is way more than the gas money so the driver is making money by a little.
Having a car also comes in handy when you go on your road trip after work. The best way to explore New Zealand is by self-driven cars, no other way else. If you’re planning to do that, check out my 5500+ words Ultimate Guide to New Zealand Road Trip.
I talked about how to purchase a second-hand car in the article too.
And if you’re planning a road trip in South Island, check out 25 Otherworldly New Zealand South Island Attractions.
Malaysian New Zealand Working Holiday Visa Extension & Maximum stay period
New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Malaysians is valid for 6 months starting from the date you enter the country. Visa extension is available with a small amount of money and some paperwork.
Upon successful application (I’ve never heard of anyone failing to extend their visa), you will be able to extend for another 3 months. You are allowed to work throughout these 3 months.
That makes the maximum stay period of 9 months. If you want to stay longer, you can do so. Here’s how.
Fly to Australia, the nearest country and then fly back to New Zealand, you will be able to travel as a tourist for less than 3 months without a visa. If you have a car, simply park it somewhere safe and retrieve it after you get back to New Zealand.
That makes the maximum stay period near 12 months.
Is there a lot of Malaysians?
There are, indeed more Malaysians than I imagined. Most of the time, you’ll find Malaysians and Asians from Taiwan or China at your workplace, especially in orchard jobs.
And usually, Asians will gather and live together because there is no language barrier and the culture is much more similar.
Is it okay to apply for the Malaysian New Zealand Working Holiday Visa at the age of 30?
Yes. The eligibility for the visa is age 18-30. You can still apply at the age of 30 but not more. Even though your 31st birthday falls right after the application date, as long as by the time you apply, you are 30 years old.
You can still fly to New Zealand to start the program at 31 years old given that you got the visa at 30 years old.
Are You Ready For Your New Zealand Working Holiday Trip?
Hopefully, you found the information above useful for applying for the Malaysian New Zealand Working Holiday Visa. It’s a bit longer than I expected but thanks for finishing the article. Should you find any useful information that I missed out on, feel free to comment below! Looking forward to your reply.
Good luck and all the best for your New Zealand Working Holiday Visa!
38 thoughts on “Updated Guide 2022: New Zealand Working Holiday Visa for Malaysian”
Thank you Yen. very useful article!
No problems at all! Glad I helped 🙂 good luck on your application!
It stated that we can apply on the 23rd of January 2019, but when I clicked into the website, it says the application is closed for now and will only be opened in 2020?
Yes, it opened at 5am Malaysian time on 23rd January. Thousands of people were applying for it at the same time and the 1,150 slots got filled up around 6am. What time did you apply? I think you got the time wrong?
hi yen. just read your blog and it is very helpful. quick question tho. do you have any idea how the working holiday visa form look like this year 2019? does it look the same with 2018? same required fields? i am from the philippines and i applied last year but didn’t make so im trying my luck again this year. hope you could reply. thanks a lot!
Hey Riz, yup the form in 2019 is same with 2018 with the same required fields. Anyway, I hope your application goes well. Good luck!
Is there any agent assist for working holiday visa application? I really need help on this
You can look up for Speedwing. But still, the next application date is in January 2020. Having an agent only helps you increase the chance of getting the visa, but wouldn’t help you get it faster. Feel free to ask me further if you have any questions. 🙂
Hi Yen,
That’s a good read on your experience in New Zealand, I have a few questions I would like to ask as I am going there around the end of this year.
1. Since this is a Working Holiday Visa, it did state that we’re not allowed to find a full-time job but is it possible to find one and switch from WHV to any work visa? Was wondering if you or any of your fellow friends selected for a full-time job
2. If I obtained work and my accommodation is at two different places, is it easy to get uber rides there or any transportation?
3. Would you mind to share Terry’s contact details and his company and fees with me through email?
Looking forward to your reply. Many thanks!
Sent you an email! 😀
Hi Yen, thanks for your sharing.
Could you share some information regarding insurance? I found that Malaysia does’t have insurance package that suit for working holiday. Wonder that is travel insurance is good enough ? I’m depart on this coming September.
Hey Yin,
Back when I went to NZ for working holiday, I bought a travel insurance. But I believe I’m not the best to advise on which insurance company you should buy from because I’m not really knowledgable in these things. A travel insurance is good enough if you’d ask me. 🙂
Hi Yen,
Great info regarding the application. I am trying to apply for year 2020 visa. I would like to ask, do we need to have a specific departure date before applying the Visa? Should I buy the flight ticket first before applying?
and can you please share the contact details of Terry as well and the details of their services?
Thank you.
They will ask for your expected departure date when you’re filling up the form. But just randomly put a date on it, it doesn’t matter if you depart on that day or not. I’ll send you the other details to your email.
Hi yen it is good conduct certification need to apply whv
I don’t think you’ll need a good conduct certificate to apply for the visa. 🙂
Hi, my study will be finished someway May 2020, the new term will be commenced Feb 2021. should i apply this?
Well, you sure can apply for it since you have such a long holiday. But it’s still up to you 🙂
Hi yen, I will be trying to apply this year’s working holiday, wanna ask, my friends will be helping me to apply as well. Do we use 1 login ID or create a few more?
Do you have any tips regarding friends helping me to apply?
Thanks a bunch!
From what I know, when you’re creating an account, you’ll have to fill in your Last and First name, etc information.
But when you’re applying for the WHV, you can change the information.
I made the application myself last time, so I can’t guarantee if this works.
Here are my suggested steps:
1. Ask your friend to register an account of his own at
2. When the application opens in 23rd Jan, he should be able to change the information in the application form to your information.
This should work but again, I can’t guarantee since I never saw it happen. Hope this helps and good luck with your application!!
Hi Yen,
First of all, thank you for the great content. I have been meaning to ask the exact same question as IAN asked on june 18th as I am also hopeful to find a permanent job there, including getting job offers and granted work visa. what’s your take on this? Could you email me too the information you provided IAN on 18th June? Appreciate it.
ps: To Ian, if you would like to keep in touch to share ideas towards our goals of working in Nz, can let me know also 😃
This is what I replied to Ian, hope this helps.
1. Personally, I do not have friends who have a full-time job in cities. Working in orchards is considered a full-time job as well. But with a working holiday visa, you can work in any kind of job, be it full time or part-time. Yes, you’re allowed to.
It’s possible to get a work visa from your employer, but it’s very rare and hard. It all depends on the boss whether they want to take the troubles of all the paperwork to help you get the work visa. You have to prove that you’re worth it for the boss. I have a friend who worked in the orchard using working holiday visa, but then stayed for another year with work visa, working as a chef in a chinese restaurant. You need to have a certain skill set.
2. Since I’ve only work in the orchards, most of the orchards are located in smaller towns. Therefore, there are no Ubers there. Most of the time, you’ll have to ask your colleagues whether you can share a ride with their car, or ask your job agent (if you have one) to arrange for you. But having said so, having your own car makes everything much easier. I got my Honda Accord 1998 for $900, it takes luck and patience to find a good deal.
When I was working in Temuka, my job agent arranged my transportation for me, I have to pay for my friend, who has a car, $4 a day for the round trip.
3. I have Terry’s contact details but I believe it’s too old already, I got it back in 2016. I’m not even sure if he’s working as a job agent now, so I guess I couldn’t help with this. But there are many groups in FB on Malaysians’ working holiday in NZ, you can join one and ask whether anybody has a contact for job agent in the group. Everyone is very helpful there.
Hi Yen, what a good and useful tips you have provided here! After the payment has been made successfully, would there be any email notification will be sent to us regarding like “wait for the good news” ?
Hey Rayna, thanks for reaching out, and thanks for the positive feedback.
Once the payment is made successfully, it’s likely that you secured a seat. There will be an email notification sent to you within a few days on the following procedures. 🙂
Hey Yen, I successfully submitted the application just now but my friend failed. I’m quite sad now and wondering is it possible for me to wait for my friend to apply again next year so that we can go together.
I’m afraid that’s not possible. You have to arrive in NZ before 23rd January 2021 to start your NZWH. But if you want to take the risk, maybe you can travel there on early January 2021, and ask your friend to apply for the visa next year in 2021. If your friend succeed, then your friend can travel to NZ to meet up with you in February if everything goes well.
But it all comes down to whether you want to take the risk because the competition is just going to get stronger every year.
Otherwise, maybe you can work there for a few months, and ask your friend to travel to NZ to meet up with you and travel together on a road trip?
Hope this helps, and congratulations on your visa!
Hi Yen! Great article btw.
I have a question. My friend manage to help me to register for the NZ working holiday but she mistype my address as in missing number and spelling. It went through and received.
Does it affect my visa?
Congratulations! Shouldn’t be a problem, Young. 🙂
Hi Yen,
Happy CNY in advance!
Among most of the experience sharing blogs out there your answered most of my doubts.
I successfully submitted & paid for the application this morning so I’m feeling a little anxious here.
(Cuz I’m not expecting to get it until I got it…might mean to say goodbye to my 9-5 Mon to Fri great office working routine)
Feeling thankful to have found a person who shared on way to use visitor status to prolong stay in NZ but now there is an ETA system in place beginning last year so Im not sure about the process since someone from travel agency let me know applying ETA will immediately override WHV & must leave & re-enter NZ to be effective.
For your own experience do you bought two-way flight ticket for first entry into NZ using WHV? Cuz extension of additional 3-months complicate my planning & changing two-way flight ticket can cost more than anticipation.
As a past Australia WHV successful applicant, completing the NZ WHV is a definite tick in my bucket list so Im definitely grateful for this opportunity (which hopefully will not go wrong until the REAL confirmation email to confirm done deal). I hope to talk to you much more & find a platform which is much easier & accessible probably like FB? Pls let me know if I can chat more with you thru FB as I look forward to share & have an experienced “senior” to talk to!
Best Regards!
Vincent Lam
I’ll talk to you on FB 😀
Hi Vincent,
Me too feeling anxious here after successfully submit the application but haven’t heard anything back from them. By any chance, have you received any email regarding your application have gone through?
If you don’t mind I ask, when you plan to go to New Zealand if everything has fall through?
Look forward to your reply. Have a good day. :))
Hey Chi Shan,
So sorry I didn’t approve your comment earlier as I was in Thailand. Hope your application goes well. If you wish, I could connect you with Vincent as long as both of you agreed with it. 😀 Let me know.
Hi Yen,
You might not be able to see this since this post was posted 2 years ago. Anyway, 2022’s application just opened (and have successfully submitted/paid). Just wondering, how long does the visa processing take?
Could I perhaps connect with you on FB too?
Yup, let’s talk on FB!
Hi Yen
A great blog you have!
I wish to know about the Working Holiday Visa 2023 for Malaysians.
Is it open yet for application?
What date will it be if it opens in Jan 2023?
Currently are all quota 1150 taken up and applications closed ?
I sincerely appreciate your urgent reply to my enquiries.
My email is:
Thank you for your kind attention.
Jeremy Long
HP 6586863287
Hey Jeremy, I haven’t been following it closely, but the information can be usually found here –
Hope that helps.
Hi Yen,
First of all, great blog! I saw that u mention the visa is in an electronic copy. That means that once our application approved we do not need to go to NZ embassy and get our visa done to stick on our passport page (like china, usa tourist visa) ?
The reason I asked is because I prefer to go to NZ for working holiday around December 2023. The application for Malaysian opens at February 2023, but my family and I had already booked a vacation to NZ on May 2023. If my application is successful, I am worried that NZ immigration may start to count the 6 months from May 2023.
So I would like to also know do you or someone you know encounter similar problem before? Upon successfully applied NZWH visa, travelled to NZ as a tourist, come back to Malaysia and then travelled back to NZ (within 1 year from NZWH visa approved) to start the 6 month working holiday.
Thank you.
Hey Jason, thanks!
Unfortunately, I do not have any friends who encountered this situation, so I’m afraid I couldn’t advise on that. 🙁
I also couldn’t advise on who should you ask for matters like this, hopefully you’ll come across someone who had the similar experiences or find someone who can help.